Surgeon Simulator

With your unsteady hands and a variety of surgical tools, you'll try to save Bob's life, frequently with humorous and tragic consequences. The game aims to be both enjoyable and demanding, with a distinct blend of humor and skill-based gameplay.
4.1/5 Votes: 122
June 5, 2024
5.1 and up
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Surgeon Simulator is a humorous and chaotic simulation game in which you play as Nigel Burke, a bumbling surgeon tasked with executing a series of increasingly weird and difficult procedures on Bob, the world’s unlucky patient. With your unsteady hands and a variety of surgical tools, you’ll try to save Bob’s life, frequently with humorous and tragic consequences. The game aims to be both enjoyable and demanding, with a distinct blend of humor and skill-based gameplay.

Surgeon Simulator Features

Classic Surgeries: Perform the legendary Heart and Double-Kidney transplants from the original game.

fresh Surgeries: Try your hand at tooth and eye transplants, which will provide fresh difficulties and laughter.

Corridor Mode: Practice your abilities outside the operating room by performing procedures on a moving trolley through the hospital corridors.

Multiplayer Mode: Compete with your pals to see who can perform the most successful (or hilariously unsuccessful) procedures.

Achievements: Earn over 50 achievements to demonstrate your surgical abilities (or lack thereof).

Phone Requirements in this game?

RAM: 4Gb
MODE: Offline
CHIPSET: Snapdragon 700 series and above

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