Rayman Mini

Rayman has shrunk into the size of an ant! To break the spell, insects, mushrooms, leaves, and other flora will be your allies as you navigate a fascinating, macro-photographic environment.
3.8/5 Votes: 264
Oct 24, 2023
iOS 13.0 or later
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Rayman has shrunk into the size of an ant! To break the spell, insects, mushrooms, leaves, and other flora will be your allies as you navigate a fascinating, macro-photographic environment.

Rayman Mini immerses players in a lush, natural setting through 48 thrilling levels, including a beautiful river, a spider nest, and the deep recesses of a tree.

Rayman Mini is a runner platforming game for the entire family! It is a lively, fast-paced game in which players can control their own pace. Go for a short run or take on the challenge of achieving the perfect score!

To navigate this massive environment, it’s all about finding the proper pace in order to get the perfect flow. Master your reflexes, remember maps, and retry levels to uncover hidden secrets.

Choose from three characters and unlock a variety of costumes to personalize your experience.

Continue your Rayman Mini adventure with more miniature fun to come!

Phone Requirements in this game?

OS: iOS 13.0 or later

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